Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Paying it Forward

It's interesting to see the sheer volume of PSAs (Public Service Announcements) spreading the word that your VHF TVs will be going off line in February. As if to suggest the world as you know it is coming to an end if you're uplink or cable connection is not in place. Yet, a seemingly more important problem goes virtually unmetntioned: About 50% of the prison system inmate population in this country has a learning disorder.

Given the cause and effect relationship between ADD, soaring drop out rates and prison system inmate rosters that are swelling: How can we evangalize this issue? The social link between driving improvement across how we teach/train the kids with learning disorders.

Fact: A defense contractor once did an analysis that indicated visual learners (dyslexics - many ADD/ADHD learners) were significantly better problem solvers and process experts. Yet, those whom are often best suited to learn math and solve problems are getting left on the curb becasue they don't learn well from lecture and reading.

Is it worth changing our knowledge transfer processes if we could repatriate more of these kids to our knowledge economy?

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