Monday, July 21, 2014

What if we're already in Heaven?

The other day was riding my bike. I do that a lot, probably 30 miles of trails, and another 20 or so on roads, every week, when I can, in Michigan. In the summer, for obvious reasons.

I was riding a trail that was ablaze in with white and yellow flowers. O.K., I think the white ones were weeds, but the way the sun lit them in the late afternoon, combined with the yellow ones (possibly also weeds) was spiritually radiant. Just sayin’, weeds can also be spiritually radiant.

As I rode through the scene, embracing my role as an active participant in it all, it thought. “What if this is Heaven? What if we are in it right now and we don't even realize it?”

At that exact moment a bluebird startled by an eighth of a ton Polack cranking a mountain bike up a moderate grade covered in gravel and dirt, flew out from the bushes on my right not ten feet away. The afternoon sun made its iridescent feathers explode in an exclamation point to my thought about is this heaven?

Then I hit a root and wiped out. But, the moral of the story is: Practice makes perfect. Given that, should we all be focusing more on ‘practicing like we're playing’ as it relates to heaven?

See … Having ADD is hard. We think about things like this!

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