Thursday, January 4, 2007

Alpha Post

Welcome to Ping Pong Brain. If you're what Hartmann describes an Edison, or what LoPorto calls a Da Vinci, then the description used by ADD/ADHD kids to describe their thoughts as ping pong balls bouncing in their heads will likely be immediately familiar.

Ironically, I have taken almost 1/2 a century to figure out why I was so good at applying the art of camouflage to intelligence. Thanks to Clay for screwing up in school so badly that he led us both to a renaissance.

In the pages that follow I'll attempt to make sure the people whose lives are touched by ADD/ADHD understand that Dr. Frank Lawlis was right: It's a disorder...not a disaster. Maybe it's about time that we all begin to look at the kid who can't sit still with envy instead of pity.


Rich & Becky said...

Hey there,

I found you becasue we have the same book on our fav books list 'The DaVinci Method' Do you have ADHD? I don't know it I do, I've never been tested, but I scored pretty high in the DaVinci Test Not as high as my Dad and Brother they got 100%, but pretty close.

I am interested in finding out more about the gifts that come with it and then I want to start writing some news letters and Courses to help, teacher, parents and young people understand better how amazing these Kids are..

Do you have any more books you would recomend and are you interested in helping with the newsletters and maybe the courses?


New York City Zoo said...

Hi Becky - got side tracked for a few months.

I'm working on some things with Dr. Frank Lawlis - The ADD Answer. Also have some things working with the DoD via Raytheon. I've never been tested either, but after you research this enough you will find enough correlation. Plus I've spawned an ADHD kid so the genetic link is consistent.

We will have an upcoming need for writers and instructional designers soon for our project. Please keep in touch and we’ll debrief more closely. There is a significant need, and our educational system is wasting opportunities to send these kids down the right path. Here’s some interesting data too: almost 50% of federal inmates suffer from ADD/ADHD. What is the financial impact of diverting 5-10% of that population?

More later – in DC at a conference with one of the nation’s largest creators of opportunity for ADD/ADHD kids…the Department of Defense!

John Nycz