So, I got pissed and started writing in my journal this morning. The words from a 1970's era film first came to mind:
"Network" (1976)
Beale: I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.
We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be!
We all know things are bad -- worse than bad -- they're crazy.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."
Well, I'm not going to leave you alone. I want you to get mad!
I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.
All I know is that first, you've got to get mad.
You've gotta say, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!"
So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,
"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"
So here's what pushed my last damn button this AM: The current administration has handcuffed law enforcement agencies in the pursuit of terrorists by allowing deeper and broader criminal investigations for Americans who are not Muslim.
The "Left side of the Politburo" is on the news with the Senator Chris Murphy, with that idiot Diane Feinstein standing behind him with the other Dem cronies, blaming the "out of touch Republicans" for not passing the gun bill yesterday.
First, to set the record straight, I would have voted for that bill under different circumstances (although I have not read it, and the Devil is in the riders and attached bull shit). What happened yesterday is that the Senate stood up and said, "No, F-Off. We don't trust this administration, and we are not removing any of the the teeth from the Second amendment right now." I believe those bills would have passed if so many American's were not at the point where they have so little trust and faith in their leadership.
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An Assault Rifle is fully-automatic. It sprays bullets until the belt or magazine is empty. They have been illegal for over 80 years. |
If I put on my suit and tie and go to a wedding, I look pretty affable. If I put on commando clothes, combat boots and gloves, and camo face paint I can look a little scary. Same guy.
Second salient point here: We are at juncture in our nation's history where many among us are not going to fork over the last line of defense against a government that we do not trust. Hillary Clinton is running for office. After Bengahzi, and Server Gate, and 30,000 MIA emails she is shielded politically from prosecution because our Commander in Chief is, in all likelihood, complicit. Hence, Justice Department gets an order to stand down. MAD AS HELL. Now she's running for President? Trust issue.
But back to what pushed my last button: It is the audacity of our nation's leadership in turning the tragedy in Orlando into a PR stunt. In the words of Chuck Woolery, blaming an AR for the night club tragedy "is like blaming an aircraft for 911". How arrogant. How opportunistic. A self-proclaimed Islamic Fundamentalist (yes - read the words aloud Mr. President, et. al.), perpetrated the crime. Now we have another rush for gun legislation. The root cause of the problem is your complete failure to acknowledge the enemy, demonize the enemy, protect us from the enemy, and attack the enemy. In fact, as the data is now coming in, you may have enabled the enemy in his attack on the night club in Orlando. Yep. Let that one sink in.
Let's do that thing that the "Left side of the Politburo" hates; let's interject some facts and logic. In the weeks preceding the attack on the LGBT community at that night club, a gun store owner in Florida contacted authorities. He was suspicious of a customer that made unusual inquiries about body armor and bulk ammunition. The store owner explained they don't sell that type of merchandise, and refused service to the customer. He then called his sales team together, and they agreed that the patron's questions transcended odd. They contacted authorities approximately three weeks prior to the massacre (but sources did not specify which authorities).
Here's the part that makes me sick to my stomach, and Former FBI Director James Kallstrom has been very vocal on this; rightly so. He shared these statements with Megan Kelley on air earlier this year:
"They're [law enforcement agents] weighed down with this blanket, this wet blanket of political correctness, number one. Their training manuals were deleted of all words that were objectionable to these so called 'educated people' at the National Security Council and the White House."
"All these congressmen on a moment of silence on the steps, it's hypocrisy. They've done nothing to make the FBI's job easier."
After Kallstom's last interview, wherein he called out the culture of political correctness within law enforcement as the primary problem, he received over 35 calls from agents at all levels acknowledging that he was absolutely correct.
When asked by Megan Kelley last week what needs to change, Former Director Kallstrom said this:
"The rules of engagment. What the FBI is being told about what they can do and what they can't do. They can't go sniffing around to mosques, they can't do things that they would do normally. I'm not talking about things that are off the charts. I'm talking about things that would normally be done. But the orders have come down from the White House. The same people that took all the language out of the training documents."
So, I call bull shit. When the guy who's ultimate responsibility it is to protect the constituency that elected hims put them in danger by refusing to use the name of our enemy, there is going to be a trust issue. When a Secretary of State is above the law, and conveniently vaporizes 30,000 emails, there is a trust issue.
When the highest law enforcement officer in the land, the Muslim Defender in Chief, Loretta Lynch, United States Attorney General, states that she will prosecute people for making inflammatory statements about Muslims (1st amendment violation, what an idiot - she had to eat those words) there will be a trust issue. What does that communicate to the law enforcement communities charged with protecting the nation's citizens? It says, "Back off of the same people who have screamed form the mountain tops and Internet servers, 'We want to kill all Infidels."
This begs several more questions:
1. If the current administration was not so concerned about the rights of an enemy, would the shooter have been watched more closely.
2. If the current administration had not stripped all reference to Islamic Fundamentalism from the training manuals of the top law enforcement agency in the land, and mandated that Mulsims essentially enjoy more rights that I do regarding the latitude of the FBI to watch them, would the shooter have stayed on the watch list?
3. If the cultural climate of "can't go sniffing around mosques" was not the current state, would the shooter have been correctly handed over for further scrutiny by local law enforcement agencies?
4. If No. 3 would have happened, would somebody have given a shit when a gun store owner raised his hand and said, "Something stinks about this, thought you would want to know."
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Three security cameras are visible in this singleinterview angle. |
6. Could that image, with a simple data query of "possible terror suspects interviewed within 100 miles in the last 36 months", have connected the dots that would have averted this tragedy?
7. Isn't protecting the interests of a single class or culture above the interests of others a form of discrimination, not that the AG who wanted to suffocate First Amendment rights in the wake of San Bernadino would know this, but isn't that discriminatory?
So, why does Loretta Lynch immediately get on TV and start back peddling when knowledge of the report from the gun store owner comes to light? Now, only moments ago, the same AG that created the environment conducive to the operations of our enemy is pledging support to the LGBT community. Audacious hypocrisy defined. An administration that removes the words Islamic Fundamentalism from law enforcement training, and bars staffers from use of the term in correspondence, is so diligent in protecting the rights of a sub-culture that throws gays from roof tops. Just this week the same enemy that the Orlando shooter pledged allegiance to cut off a 4-year-old girl's head and forced her mother to wash her hands in the child's blood. ISIS is, as we speak, busy this Ramadan season, crucifying people who fail to fast.
Q. "What happened to my father?"
A. "His blood sugar got low and he grabbed a fig, so they tied him to stakes, beat him with stick and rocks, and left him in the sun until he was dead."
Last month they put 19 young Christian girls in cages and burned them alive for refusing to have sex with their captors. These are our enemies. They deserve no quarter. They have repeatedly attacked us. They certainly don't deserve to be held to less scrutiny during investigation by law enforcement than I am.
I have gay friends who are dear to me. Muslim friends too, and they're about sick of it all. What happened in Orlando is indeed a national tragedy. But the actions and incompetency of this administration appear to have been at a minimum -- an enabler for our enemy. An enemy who was a Radical Islamic Fundamentalist. An enemy who took advantage of an inept system, with broken processes, assembled and managed by leaders whose motives become more suspect every day.
AG Lynch, how dare you pledge action to the LBGT community. Perhaps you should pledge action to all the members of this nation, and start by acknowledging the enemy, and stripping the stigma attached to pursuing them from law enforcement protocol. You had no problem redacting that term "ISLAMIC" from the 911 call transcript you released last week. Maybe you can retract the rhetoric handcuffing our law enforcement officers nation-wide from doing their job.
So, last question: If you are the President of the United States, and your primary duty is protecting the citizenry from our enemies (vs. law-abiding citizens), and your administration shows willful dereliction of that duty, should you be impeached for that?
Now, if there are any further questions about what happened with that gun bill, refer to the part where we don't trust you. Maybe learn to say: "Islamic Fundamentalists are our enemies." Go ahead. Say it out loud. Want your gun bill passed, perhaps consider that your non-transparent, enemy sympathizing, discriminatory administration is falling from favor.
And accordingly:
"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"