Last night I decided to break down and watch Django Unchained. I promised myself I would never watch another Jamie Foxx work after his racist "black power" rant on Saturday Night Live. I finally relented for three reasons:
1. It got 5 stars on the Netflix rating
2. It was Quentin Tarantino movie night at the house
3. Jamie Foxx is an incredibly talented actor
Notice I didn't say "black" actor. I did this because Morgan Freeman is right: We're never going to get over this whole racist thing until we start referring to each other as Morgan, and Jamie, and John. Well, maybe Morgan, and Jamie, and Clint Eastwood. Given that I do not actually envision anyone weaving my name into a sentence with Morgan Freeman's and Jamie Foxx's; at least not in the foreseeable future.
I am glad that I caved in and watched the movie. Quinton is a total "G" (Genius -- for my older friends who actually read my blog posts) when it comes to creating stories with film. He pulls you deeply into them right away. His portrayal of the subject of slavery in Django Unchained was raw, and tragically probably accurate. Django Unchained was a great story.
But, since you ask, on to what perpetually pisses me off. After all, it's Saturday, and Saturday is rant morning. My family never owned anyone. Slavery was a dark time in American history. We handled that whole era about as well as we managed the Native Indian thing. We, all Americans, as children of God, are clearly fallible. That having been said, let's all listen to Morgan Freeman now and shut up and get over it.
For a black man or woman to assert that I owe them something because some guy in the 1800's was a morally bankrupt prick who probably also slapped his white wife around, is racist. If you want to lump me into the same moral category as him because of the color of my skin you are being a racist. My mom's family came from England in the late 1800's and settled in Michigan. My father's mom and dad emigrated from Poland before World War I. I'm sick of hearing about it. I don't owe the black culture anything. Jamie Foxx, you are an amazing and talented man, but take your Saturday Night Live "black power" diatribe and shove it up your ass.
Quite frankly, I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. Accordingly, I might just slap the crap out of the next guy that assumes I'm a racist because of the color of my skin. One of the problems with that being, that if he was black, the assault would be assumed to be racially motivated. Though, that would be erroneous. I would have slapped the crap of him because he's an offensive and racist moron. Which obviously validates my position that this whole racism thing is a self-perpetuating swirling drubish of stupidity.
As mentioned in a previous post, I have some unique experiences with black culture. I played baseball in an all black league in Atlanta. I rode the #14 Cross Town bus in Detroit dozens times in 2012. I was called a cracker on the #14. I am not a racist. I have black friends. Some of them are way smarter than I am (Milt, Terry). My best friend loves a mulatto girl. I had great fun with the guys I played ball with in Georgia. I loved Coach White, ironically the coach of the all black team.
In spite of all that, I just referred to a culture of people as "black" about a dozen times in the preceding paragraphs. How do we do it Morgan Freeman? How do we break the cycle?
When I was five or six my father was running an aluminum manufacturing facility. He had Japanese customers over to the house for dinner. I remember asking him why he had Japanese people at our house, when they were trying to kill him in the war. He calmly explained, "Son, that was over twenty years ago, and the people governing their country made some bad decisions, and horrible things ended up happening. But the two men we just had dinner with don't feel that way about us, and they are my friends. We work together. They pay my company to make things for them. So, we move on."
What a concept: Move on. Maybe, just maybe, if the black culture told Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to shut to hell up, and started referring to me as John instead of some white guy, we could all move on.
OK. Now I'm going to get some black coffee.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Things That Internet Executives Do To Piss Me Off
I am by admission herein a Facebook nerd. I use it occasionally for work, but mostly to stay in touch. It's fun to drop one-line zingers on friends' posts, and see what their kids are doing. I am blessed with many friends, and enjoy keeping up with their lives.
I also have a couple YouTube channels, and I pin videos and cool pictures to promote my business on Pinterest. I use Instagram and Twitter and Hootsuite. With all these social media platforms swirling around in my browsers, it's tough to stay abreast of the latest online etiquette, protocols and licensing requirements. Accordingly, I can see how a buddy of mine and his wife just got their Facebook page suspended for running a single account that they both may, or may not, have used.
Now there's a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately: These mid-Michigan rural folk taking advantage of the platform to thank friends for wishing them happy birthday's, and allegedly posting pictures of deer under a tree stand, a big fish, and the cat, from only one Facebook login. It's almost criminal. But, something far deeper than that is wrong here.
I stay very current on ISIS/ISIL and Jihadists, Daeche, Hezbollah, and Boko Haram. I have a son who is a soldier, and another who is an Afghanistan combat veteran. I have dogs in the fight.
The October 21st edition of The Wall Street Journal, front page center above the fold, is this headline: Militants' Influence Spreads. An article in the same publication last week spoke to the incredible influence being wielded via the conduit of social media by the aforementioned organizations.
Today's front page headline detailing the assassination of the soldier in Ottawa, Canada: Gunman's Journey to Terror. From that article:
Investigators are now focusing on what the official called "his pattern of engagement" with online Jihadist materials or forums and in social media in an effort to understand what influenced his thinking ...
Turn a few more pages in the same paper, and the headline on the Op Ed page is, The Homegrown Jihadist Threat Grows.
From the call out in column one:
ISIS's online recruitment is reaching into America yet the Obama administration still has no strategy to fight it.
The editorial continues with these relevant lines:
The online radicalization efforts could also encourage "lone wolves" to undertake acts of terrorism within the U.S., similar to the two deadly terrorist attacks this week, both apparently motivated by ISIS's online communications.
Islamic State "operates the most sophisticated propaganda machine" of any terrorist group today.
Which leads to the question of why are YouTube, Twitter and Facebook executives providing a platform to people who routinely kidnap women and sell them into slavery, and kill and rob to fuel their Jihad. Anyone not completely aligned with their thinking is promptly murdered, or worse. They indiscriminately kill, enslave and maim men, women, and children, young and old, in monumentally horrific ways -- cutting toddlers in half, stoning kidnapped girls, and the ever popular "socially" propagated beheadings. Why do we give them a voice? Why do we give them a media platform?
In spite of this portfolio of terror, they claim great victories in battle. These victories are typically attained by swooping in on small unarmed villages in the dark of night. Yet, they boast of courageous battles won, and promise more "victories" to impressionable young men and boys (and U.S. women from Colorado ...) susceptible to their recruiting. It doesn't stop there. Social media is being used by Jihadists not only to recruit, but to threaten. Any voice of dissent is now openly and routinely terrorized online as a precursor to more tangible violence.
So, given the fact that the social channels mentioned above are being manipulated by our enemies, at the consequence of innocents ... a seemingly simple question:
How in the Hell do you justify nuking Tom and Tammy's Facebook account for violation of the single user clause in the license agreement, yet allow enemies of the U.S. (and about every other civilized nation) to exploit your online platforms to monger hate and recruit killers?
Am I off base here?
![]() |
The Information Age's most powerful new tool of terror. |
Now there's a problem that needs to be dealt with immediately: These mid-Michigan rural folk taking advantage of the platform to thank friends for wishing them happy birthday's, and allegedly posting pictures of deer under a tree stand, a big fish, and the cat, from only one Facebook login. It's almost criminal. But, something far deeper than that is wrong here.
I stay very current on ISIS/ISIL and Jihadists, Daeche, Hezbollah, and Boko Haram. I have a son who is a soldier, and another who is an Afghanistan combat veteran. I have dogs in the fight.
The October 21st edition of The Wall Street Journal, front page center above the fold, is this headline: Militants' Influence Spreads. An article in the same publication last week spoke to the incredible influence being wielded via the conduit of social media by the aforementioned organizations.
Today's front page headline detailing the assassination of the soldier in Ottawa, Canada: Gunman's Journey to Terror. From that article:
Investigators are now focusing on what the official called "his pattern of engagement" with online Jihadist materials or forums and in social media in an effort to understand what influenced his thinking ...
Turn a few more pages in the same paper, and the headline on the Op Ed page is, The Homegrown Jihadist Threat Grows.
From the call out in column one:
ISIS's online recruitment is reaching into America yet the Obama administration still has no strategy to fight it.
The editorial continues with these relevant lines:
The online radicalization efforts could also encourage "lone wolves" to undertake acts of terrorism within the U.S., similar to the two deadly terrorist attacks this week, both apparently motivated by ISIS's online communications.
Islamic State "operates the most sophisticated propaganda machine" of any terrorist group today.
Which leads to the question of why are YouTube, Twitter and Facebook executives providing a platform to people who routinely kidnap women and sell them into slavery, and kill and rob to fuel their Jihad. Anyone not completely aligned with their thinking is promptly murdered, or worse. They indiscriminately kill, enslave and maim men, women, and children, young and old, in monumentally horrific ways -- cutting toddlers in half, stoning kidnapped girls, and the ever popular "socially" propagated beheadings. Why do we give them a voice? Why do we give them a media platform?
In spite of this portfolio of terror, they claim great victories in battle. These victories are typically attained by swooping in on small unarmed villages in the dark of night. Yet, they boast of courageous battles won, and promise more "victories" to impressionable young men and boys (and U.S. women from Colorado ...) susceptible to their recruiting. It doesn't stop there. Social media is being used by Jihadists not only to recruit, but to threaten. Any voice of dissent is now openly and routinely terrorized online as a precursor to more tangible violence.
So, given the fact that the social channels mentioned above are being manipulated by our enemies, at the consequence of innocents ... a seemingly simple question:
How in the Hell do you justify nuking Tom and Tammy's Facebook account for violation of the single user clause in the license agreement, yet allow enemies of the U.S. (and about every other civilized nation) to exploit your online platforms to monger hate and recruit killers?
Am I off base here?
Thursday, September 18, 2014
A high degree of personal control ...
This of course makes perfect sense. President "O" is in possession of a deep understanding of how to precisely target and destroy terrorist military personnel and assets than the career military professionals he has doing that job. This acquired competency has been honed to perfection while using a laser range finder to help with club selection.
My God, the shear pomposity of it all. It is pure only in its delusion? How unempowered is our military leadership? Perhaps so unempowered that no one could act decisively during the "terrorist action/assassination" in Benghazi?
I can see it unfolding now - incoming call to the secure channel presidential crackberry:
"Mr. President, we have a HTV (High Value Target), the Queen of Diamonds, pos ID, confirmed same Queen of Diamonds recently released from Gitmo for Bergdahl, traveling via armed convoy of our old humvees. Request permission to engage. Repeat, Request Permission to Engage. Roger."
"Colonel, this is Bob, The Big O just shanked one into the long cut off that elevated tee box on 6 at Pinehurst, and the Secret Service guys won't take their shades off to find it. He's getting pretty worked up. I mean it's the third lost ball and we've only been out 40 minutes. We've got our own hot mess going on here Colonel. Can we get right back on that engagement request? Roger."
OK, hit print and drop this in the front of the manilla folder labeled, "Dumb Stuff the Leader of the Free World Did Today", please.
Friday, August 22, 2014
My Buddy's Mom Passed Away Yesterday - Apparently It Was Awesome
My friend TK's mom succumbed yesterday to a condition referred to in non-medical terms as living too long. Margaret King was 94. In the Process Excellence world, it may be said that she was experiencing multiple failure modes.
Margaret had been moved back to her nursing home from the hospital following a ten day stint. There had been a few other hospital visits already this summer. Hospice was called in because she had been experiencing some pain, and the hospice nurse explained that it probably would not be long.
Her husband Joe, an amazing man in his own right, had been gone a dozen years now. Joe stormed Omaha Beach and then marched all the to Berlin in WWII. Not many U.S. infantrymen lived through that beach, let alone the ensuing hike.
So, yesterday afternoon, as the play-by-play was explained to me by TK's oldest son, she headed off for a date night with Joe in what was described as an amazingly peaceful and natural transition. Margaret was surrounded by two of her three children (her other daughter, Nancy, was en route from Oregon), several grandchildren, a few close friends, and some staffers at the nursing home who were more than staffers. Nancy, although still in the air, was there in spirit in a most unique way. TK's youngest son, Aidan, at 13, remembering his aunt Nancy was a musician, had the brilliant idea to pull up some of her music on his iPhone.
And so, surrounded by people who loved her, with the sound of her daughter's music playing through a Bluetooth speaker on her nightstand, Margaret moved with incredible grace from this world to the next.
I cooked dinner for the family last night, and it was the oddest thing; No one was sad. No tears, no melancholy lamenting over what didn't get said or done. On the contrary, the cerebration of a life well-lived had begun. Accordingly, her grand daughter in NYC was piped in via face-time for a shot of really good double malt scotch (thanks Nic). The only question that lingered as everyone (even the grand kids - smaller shots) savored the smoothness of the whisky was, "What did Joe and Margaret do for dinner?"
Margaret had been moved back to her nursing home from the hospital following a ten day stint. There had been a few other hospital visits already this summer. Hospice was called in because she had been experiencing some pain, and the hospice nurse explained that it probably would not be long.
Her husband Joe, an amazing man in his own right, had been gone a dozen years now. Joe stormed Omaha Beach and then marched all the to Berlin in WWII. Not many U.S. infantrymen lived through that beach, let alone the ensuing hike.
So, yesterday afternoon, as the play-by-play was explained to me by TK's oldest son, she headed off for a date night with Joe in what was described as an amazingly peaceful and natural transition. Margaret was surrounded by two of her three children (her other daughter, Nancy, was en route from Oregon), several grandchildren, a few close friends, and some staffers at the nursing home who were more than staffers. Nancy, although still in the air, was there in spirit in a most unique way. TK's youngest son, Aidan, at 13, remembering his aunt Nancy was a musician, had the brilliant idea to pull up some of her music on his iPhone.
And so, surrounded by people who loved her, with the sound of her daughter's music playing through a Bluetooth speaker on her nightstand, Margaret moved with incredible grace from this world to the next.
I cooked dinner for the family last night, and it was the oddest thing; No one was sad. No tears, no melancholy lamenting over what didn't get said or done. On the contrary, the cerebration of a life well-lived had begun. Accordingly, her grand daughter in NYC was piped in via face-time for a shot of really good double malt scotch (thanks Nic). The only question that lingered as everyone (even the grand kids - smaller shots) savored the smoothness of the whisky was, "What did Joe and Margaret do for dinner?"
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Where Was Kevin Jordan’s Riot?
A Mini-Manifesto on What Happened in Ferguson, Missouri
All the upheaval that went down in Missouri, and no one gave a crap when a cop got killed a couple of months ago in Georgia.
Last week a young man got killed in Ferguson. It is probably
safe to assume that unless you've been trapped underground while cave diving in
New Guinea you have heard about it. I have been following the story closely as I have a
different perspective than our watered down, facts last, truth be damned media
does. My perspective is probably forged in part from being raised by a guy that
lived through the war in the Pacific, and having sons who are soldiers and
friends who are cops. I also have friends of all races, religions, colors, and
creeds who are not soldiers or cops. Some are of the same race as Michael Brown.
The difference is that my friends understand that a riot is not an acceptable act of civil disobedience, and they are tired of it all
too. They are tired of the media being so quick to stir the pot to create a
story: A story that has filled the headlines, choking out other meaningful and arguably more pressing issues. Stories like ISIS cutting off the heads off of kids and
putting them on sticks in Iraq, that garner only an occasional byline in the
wake of “racial unrest” here in America.
So, by way of setting the record straight, I do have some
experience with race. I was assaulted twice as child. Once in Saginaw the day
we moved there. My mom took me to the park while the movers worked, I was eight years-old, and some
kids banged me around. I had a fat lip and was confused; I just wanted to play
with them? When I was twelve I got jumped walking down some old railroad tracks
near my grandmother’s house in East Detroit.
Ironically, I went back there the other day doing some site research for a mini-documentary that I'm working on. My memories were of a very different place and time. The streets were lined with Dutch elms, and every lawn was meticulously cut, most manicured expertly with hand-pushed reel mowers. The walkways were edged, the porches were painted and the bushes were trimmed. My grandma won yard of the month at least once a summer. Her roses rocked the chain link fence in the back yard. Now the house she bought after the great depression is in shambles, windows gone, and hypodermic needles were strewn about the trash covered floor.
Ironically, I went back there the other day doing some site research for a mini-documentary that I'm working on. My memories were of a very different place and time. The streets were lined with Dutch elms, and every lawn was meticulously cut, most manicured expertly with hand-pushed reel mowers. The walkways were edged, the porches were painted and the bushes were trimmed. My grandma won yard of the month at least once a summer. Her roses rocked the chain link fence in the back yard. Now the house she bought after the great depression is in shambles, windows gone, and hypodermic needles were strewn about the trash covered floor.
When I was 15 my friends and I had our bikes stolen while
riding in downtown Saginaw only days before a cycling trip we had planned for months. Both
of the assaults and the bike thefts were perpetuated by kids that had a
different cultural dynamic and heritage than I did. We'll leave it at that, with
one clarification: I managed to stay color blind. I had friends in high school that
were also of different races, although our core-values were aligned. Rev. David
Taylor, Chief Ralph Martin and especially Willy Smith made me laugh hard and often. They
were my friends. They still are, although distance and time, and maybe if I'm
honest being of different cultures relegated our relationship to Facebook. I
think I might need to fix that.
After school I moved to Atlanta. In spite of the incidents above
my 'rose colored race glasses' still guided me. I was at a batting cage on North
Druid Hills road one Saturday morning when two guys approached me. “Hey man,
you wanna play some ball?” I was new to the area, it was spring, and that’s
what I had always done in the spring. The answer was simple, “Sure, I’m in.”
So, for the next two seasons I played ball for Coach Harold White, who carried the team’s equipment around in the trunk of his yellow Oldsmobile Cutlass convertible. Coach called me Dale Murphy, which if your remember Braves slugger Dale Murphy, was an honor. I could turn on a fastball, catch, play the corners, pitch and back then I was fast enough to play in the outfield too. I guess I just didn't have the footwork for middle infield, but I was handy on defense and being able to hit a bit helped. On most Saturday afternoons I was the only guy of my race in whatever park we played at. But at the end of the day, we all played ball and that was all that mattered to us.
So, for the next two seasons I played ball for Coach Harold White, who carried the team’s equipment around in the trunk of his yellow Oldsmobile Cutlass convertible. Coach called me Dale Murphy, which if your remember Braves slugger Dale Murphy, was an honor. I could turn on a fastball, catch, play the corners, pitch and back then I was fast enough to play in the outfield too. I guess I just didn't have the footwork for middle infield, but I was handy on defense and being able to hit a bit helped. On most Saturday afternoons I was the only guy of my race in whatever park we played at. But at the end of the day, we all played ball and that was all that mattered to us.
It was a great experience. We even played a game that was watched
in person by Cy Young award, world Series, and 31 MLB game winner Denny McLain, during a
scrimmage at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary. Denny was serving his time for
several “non-baseball related” incidents. Having grown up a Tiger’s fan, I knew
that the big guy in the stands on the 3rd base side (There is actually a baseball stadium inside the prison) looked familiar.
Coach White, I said, “Who’s that guy in the stands over there?”
After all he was wearing a uniform, of sorts – it was striped. I will never
forget coach running up and down our dugout telling the rest of the team, “That’s
Denny McClain! That’s Denny McLain! That’s Denny McLain!”
My four sons all ended up playing football for the Sandy
Spring’s Saints. Those were without doubt the best years of my life. SSYS Football & Cheerleading was a “racially balanced”
football program located in the heart of one of the wealthiest demographics in
the nation. I volunteered as a parent and coach, and ended up running the program
for several years. About half the players were from one race, and half were
from another, and few from yet other races.
Continuing my voluntary personal cultural outreach programs, two years ago I got upset with one of my adult sons and
decided I was going to teach him a lesson. Gas prices were soaring too, so I went
a year without a car in Detroit. I rode the #14 Cross Town bus dozens of times.
On most trips I was the only representative of my race. Yet, I usually had good
conversations with other riders, only once being called a “cracker” by some
idiot. Idiocy is not bounded by race.
So, now that I've shared just a bit about having a broader
perspective than many of my own race about race, let’s get down to why the
situation in Ferguson, MO makes me so angry. Here’s something that most people
don’t know about cops and soldiers: No matter how “badass” they are, they get
scared. There’s a Marietta officer named Bobby Franklin that I used to spar
with. “Boo Boo” was his nickname. He once kicked me so hard in the belly that my
back went out, and he wasn't trying to kick me hard. Boo Boo is a “badass”.
But Boo Boo talked with us candidly on several occasions about walking up on a
situation, not knowing who’s armed … and being afraid. Afraid to the point where you have to fight off shaking. You are not human if you
are not afraid. Other cops have shared the same thing. My father, sons and friends who are infantrymen and marines with combat experience have all known the feeling.
Now, as the facts surrounding Michael Brown’s shooting come
to light, I believe that a few things will come to be realized that really
matter. Michael Brown appears, at least as of late, to have taken
up the role of a bully and a thug, and embraced that role with conviction.
There is a pattern of behavior that is all too typical. Here’s what my
boys have been counseled on; If you screw up and do something stupid, and a police
officer calls you out on it, you had "GD" better use a lot of “yes sirs” and "no sirs”
and do what you're told. Period. That advice should transcend racial lines.
We'll learn more in the days and weeks to come, and I can’t
pontificate about what exactly happened, as my sources are the Internet and a
few seemingly biased news feeds. But, I do believe that Michael Brown, in all likelihood,
made some very bad choices that day of, and in the days preceding the shooting. Getting your picture taken holding a pistol with a folded stack of bills in your mouth and tequila bottle in the foreground
is a bad PR move, especially if you want to go to college. The controversy
will swirl until all of the facts come out, and then it will likely continue to
I have "opinions" that I believe will probably end up being pretty close
to the truth. A young man robbed a store, and strong armed the owner. Within
minutes he was asked to get out of the middle of the road by a police officer
that he towered over and outweighed by about #100 pounds. He took issue with
the officer’s request, and assaulted him while he sat in his vehicle. The officer
“may” have sustained an orbital blowout fracture. Note: it takes a powerful
shot to do that, and in all my years as a martial artist I have only heard of
it happening once to anyone I knew personally. That was a spinning hook kick
where the heel of the foot delivered the blow. And the guy who did it used to be the U.S. #4 middleweight in full-contact karate. I also used to break bricks for demonstrations.
I think I did 10 or 12 one time, and I can tell you that if the Darren Wilson
did sustain an orbital blowout fracture he got blasted hard with a closed fist
by a big man.
Then the officer probably, as it is his job to do, attempted to
apprehend the assailant, and Michael Brown charged. The autopsy reports showed the fatal shot to be at the top of the head. If you know anything about ballistics
you know that a shot from a handgun at the very apex of the skull will almost
certainly not enter the skull if the victim is standing, and the trajectory is
already at an angle that is up. The weapon would have been 12-18” below the
apex of Brown’s head if he was standing with his arms up, looking at Officer Wilson, who was likely in a standing shooting posture with knees slightly bent.
The more likely scenario is that Michael, in a fit of rage, charged the officer, who was by now no doubt afraid and probably temporarily
blinded in one eye. It is also likely that the momentum from the charge carried
him as he fell forward after the first shots, causing the fatal shot to enter the apex of the skull from
the top, when he was head down driving with his legs towards someone he had
just assaulted. Here’s why that explanation is more plausible than the one
latched onto by the media: If you are shot standing upright six times with your
hands up, you are probably not falling forward, no matter how big you are. Think about it. I watched CSI too.
A tragedy took place and a community is being torn apart. Robbery,
vandalism and violence are being condoned on the accusation that a cop shot an
unarmed man on the basis of race, without so much as a passing inquiry by our “on the spot national
media” about the circumstances that led up to shots being fired. Thugs are
coming to rescue of a community, but they define “rescue” as justification to
loot businesses and throw Molotov cocktails and rocks at police. The absurdity
of the whole thing is surreal.
In this morning’s Wall Street Journal Juan Williams
addressed this issue in his article entitled Ferguson and America’s Racial Fears. He quotes comedian Bill Cosby
speaking at an NAACP event, when he said, “People getting shot in the back of
the head over a piece of pound cake.” “And then we all run out and we’re
outraged – The cops shouldn't have shot him!” “What to hell was he doing with
the pound cake in his hand?”
Here’s what’s really disturbing though, and what prompted me to hit the keyboard today. On May 31st of this year a police
officer named Kevin Jordan, was shot in the back three times while trying to
arrest Chantell Mixon, by her boyfriend Michael James Bowman, in a restaurant
parking lot in Griffin, Georgia. The wounds were fatal. Officer Jordan was an
Army veteran and the father of seven children. The community loved him.
I lived in Atlanta, just north of Griffin for 25 years. I
was in Atlanta the first week of June. But, it was not until yesterday that I saw
ran across the story of Officer Jordan, and that story was actually about the
restaurant whose parking lot he was shot in having the decency to close during
his memorial service.
Which leads to the question first posed in the headline
above: Where was Officer Jordan’s riot? Where was that idiot Al Sharpton? Why didn't Eric
Holder get dispatched by the President? Why wasn't Griffin visited, robbed and looted in
protest? Was it because Officer Jordan was white and his assailants were black?
Outraged now? Upset with me now? Want to call me a racist?
Well, if so, then you took the bait. Officer Jordan was not of the same race as I
am. However, his assailants were. And yet, there was no evening news coverage
outside of local and regional markets. No tear gas canisters launched to quell the "protests" on his
behalf. No full-segments on Good Morning America with interviews about people who are afraid of the police (and police who are also afraid).
Well if you're not outraged I am. I thought briefly about putting my .45 and spare clips in the car just in case the wheels really come off this media-driven racial pressure cooker. Then I wrote this blog article to vent, and watched (for the 3rd time), what Morgan Freeman had to say about race on June 3rd of this year. Oh, and please take note of the fact that the preceding paragraph this is the first time in this article I used the words "black" or "white" as related to race. I'm trying to do that all the time now as Morgan Freeman's logic is so simple. So pragmatic. We need to quit referring to each other with color as the primary descriptive adjective.
OK, having sufficiently vented (thanks for giving me my moment), I decided that instead of arming myself the greater good may be better served by dusting off my ‘rose colored race glasses’ one more time. So, I just called and volunteered to start teaching MS Office, web development and social media classes through the Detroit Rescue Missions Ministry. In the end, maybe something good can come from the misguided media frenzy that unfolded this last week in Ferguson. In the end, maybe we can come to terms with the fact that when bad things happen they may not have anything to do with race. Maybe Michael Brown did bust that cop in the eye, and then charge him when the officer got out of his car and tried to effect an arrest. Maybe, just maybe, it is more about a 26 year-young man sworn to uphold the law, who was on the street by himself, scared and hurt, having to make a split second decision. A decision that could have turned out like it did in Griffin, Georgia.
And maybe some single mom will learn to use spreadsheets and
manage web sites, and land a job because a pissed off Polack took a moment
to rant, and think it all through. Maybe we should also listen to Morgan Freeman, and stop making race a
bigger issue than it needs to be. Maybe, if I ever have to fill out an
employment application again, and it asks what my race is, I will write in “human”.
Monday, July 21, 2014
What if we're already in Heaven?
The other day was riding my bike. I do that a lot, probably 30
miles of trails, and another 20 or so on roads, every week, when I can, in
Michigan. In the summer, for obvious reasons.
I was riding a trail that was ablaze in with white
and yellow flowers. O.K., I think the white ones were weeds, but the way the
sun lit them in the late afternoon, combined with the yellow ones (possibly
also weeds) was spiritually radiant. Just sayin’, weeds can also be spiritually
As I rode through the scene, embracing my role as an active
participant in it all, it thought. “What if this is Heaven? What if we are in
it right now and we don't even realize it?”
At that exact moment a bluebird startled by an eighth of a ton
Polack cranking a mountain bike up a moderate grade covered in gravel and dirt,
flew out from the bushes on my right not ten feet away. The afternoon sun made its
iridescent feathers explode in an exclamation point to my thought about is this
Then I hit a root and wiped out. But, the moral of the story
is: Practice makes perfect. Given that, should we all be focusing more on ‘practicing
like we're playing’ as it relates to heaven?
See … Having ADD is hard. We think about things like this!
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Born Again Weber Man
I can still hear my father’s words ringing in my ears, “Get
that grill going.” Then I hauled the black bowl and dome out from inside the
screened porch and took a match to the coals. After that perfect balance of
gray on black with red glow was achieved, the artist vaulted from his Lazy Boy, grabbed
whatever fare was slated for that day, and began painting on his wire grate
palette. Tending, turning, adjusting the meat, poultry, fish or vegetables, and
then pulling the lid with back on. As he carefully manipulated the vents the
words, “Nothing cooks like these darned Weber’s son.” were always passed along.
Dad has been gone for almost 30 years. But as many sons come to
understand – he was usually right about, well, nearly everything. Last week I
rediscovered how right he was about, “Nothing cooks like these darned Weber’s
We rented a place on lake Michigan. Upon arrival we walked out on to
the porch, and I saw her there in the corner. A bigger Weber than dad’s. It had a roll
back cover holder and a thermometer too. Over the ensuing week the equipment was
put to task. Salmon, flank steak, vegetables, brats, dogs, burgers. Even did a
cast iron skillet Michigan cherry cobbler in it. We rocked that grill …
But, I had been already been lured away by the implied convenience of
propane and a push button starter. The shiny silver mastodons lined up outside
Home Depot and Lowes taunted me, then I bought one. Then I bought another, and
another; all the while ignoring the sage words from dad.
Well, things are going throw back here. There is a 20 lb.
bag of charcoal in the SUV. This weekend, I will not be tempted or swayed by claims of “cook up to 40 chicken breasts” and
“cleans easily.” This weekend, I will listen to the old man. This 4th
of July, I will buy another Weber.
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